A Glossary for Shared Understanding
Developing a shared language for thoughtful discussion about equity is critical for all of our work. This glossary of key terms includes many words and concepts that are foundational and relevant.
This glossary was compiled by a workgroup of Center for the Study of Social Policy staff, led by Maya Pendleton. Members of the workgroup in alphabetical order: Ali Jawetz, Ann Nguyen, Charlyn Harper Brown, E Feinman, Emily Verburg, Juanita Gallion, Miguel Amaguana, and Taysha Milagros Clark.
This report is in the public domain. Permission to reproduce is not necessary provided proper citation of CSSP is made. Original publication, September 2019.
CSSP (2019). “Key Equity Terms and Concepts: A Glossary for Shared Understanding.” Washington,
DC: Center for the Study of Social Policy. Available at: